Classic Cheese Cake

I love cheese. No matter what form it takes, cream, bar, spread, anything. First time I heard about 'cheese cake', I didn't need a long time to drag myself into a cheese cake shop. And the first type that I've tried was 'Japanese Cheese Cake'. No need to explain how it tasted, I just can tell you that I keep on buying this -ever since and then- everytime I see a cheese cake shop. Addiction? Well, maybe.

First, curious about the taste. And then, -can easily guess- I'm obsessed to made it by myself (I took a special cooking class to make this kind of cake). I've tried many types, but this time I'll tell you about the classic one. The easiest with the good lightest taste.

I use the recipe from Mr. Sahak's:

Bahan :

  6 btr telur
100 gr gula pasir
 20 gr emulsifier
130 gr terigu
 20 gr maizena
 30 gr susu bubuk
100 gr keju parut
100 gr margarin (dicairkan)

Cara membuat :
  1. Buat adonan dengan mengocok telur, gula pasir, dan emulsifier hingga mengembang (kental dan berjejak)
  2. Masukkan terigu, maizena, dan susu bubuk sambil diayak, lalu aduk rata
  3. Tambahkan margarin cair dan keju parut, aduk rata
  4. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang tulban berdiameter 20 cm (atau loyang brownies juga boleh) dan beri taburan keju parut.
  5. Panggang selama kurang lebih 25 menit dengan suhu 170 derajat celcius
  6. Angkat dan dinginkan
Tips :
  1. Jangan parut keju taburan terlalu tipis agar tidak mudah gosong saat dipanggang
  2. Gunakan api atas dan bawah saat memanggang
I like this cake very much, it's light with salty flavour (of cheese and margarine), sweet lil bit, hmmmmmmm....yummy ;-)

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