This was -about a year ago- post actually. Something I made in the long weekend. Still have the spirit to bake everyday, that day I decided to made this easy and delicious recipe: "Kue Lumpur Labu Kuning" (my children named it "Kue Lumpur Jack O'Lantern").
Besides, to utilize the mold that given by my mom in law. Maybe this was an implicit order that I have to made her something good to eat with that mold. :-D
Interested? Here's the recipe, I grabed it from NCC's site :
300 ml santan, sedang kentalnya
½ sdt garam
2 btr telur
150 gr labu kuning, kukus haluskan
130 gr tepung terigu
120 gr gula pasir
Cara membuat:
- Kocok telur, garam dan gula hingga mengembang,
- Masukkan labu kuning halus (yang telah diblender dengan santan) sedikit demi sedikit, aduk rata.
- Panaskan cetakan kue lumpur, tuang adonan ¾ penuh. Tutup.
- Biarkan setengah matang, buka tutupnya, hias dengan kismis.
- Tutup lagi masak sampai matang. Angkat.
Note :
Jika cetakan sudah panas, masak dengan api kecil saja. Api yang terlalu besar dapat menyebabkan gosong pada lapisan dasar kue sementara bagian tengahnya belum matang.
And, here's the other result :
The first time I saw it, I can't stop myself from yelling...."I did it!". My very first "Kue Lumpur" seems too good to be true, but yes when I bite it, the taste...'s melted in your mouth... so smooth... and the pumpkin smells soooo good.
Because I still have many stock of pumpkin left, and it's quite success to be happen, the fourth day of that long weekend, I made it again! It was for my parents and for the mold's owner (my mom in law).. time to show up eh?!! :-DD
Terimakasih Artikel Kue Lumpur Labu Kuning nya bagus dan membantu sekali, semoga sukses selalu yaa .. Aamiin
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